Canadian Exports to Nepal:
Sugar Maple Saplings
International Trade
Sugar maple seedlings would cost roughly $ 1.00 CAD each which is not overly expensive for Nepal (Zimmermann, 2016). If Nepal order 60 sugar maple seedlings, that would be $ 60.00 CAD plus the shipping costs of $229.62 CAD, totaling $289.62 CAD. For Nepal, the cost would be 2 3691.41 Nepalese rupees with the exchange rate. This is quite expensive, however with the help of government program funding and the costs being split by all community forest users, this could be an achievable endeavor. The Nepalese will be supplied with the important resources of the forest used for sustaining their farm and livelihoods, and potentially with extra income as the forest matures.
Although the production of maple syrup is expensive, it is also an expensive product to purchase, making it worth the processing costs. For example, in Canada, Maples products last year had a gross value of about $357 988 (Statistics Canada, 2015). There are many maple products produced today, 8 908 of which were expressed as syrup in 2015 (Statistics Canada, 2015). After a mere ten years, the Nepalese could begin to harvest syrup and have an additional source of income.