Canadian Exports to Nepal:
Sugar Maple Saplings
International Trade
Many species of trees could be exported into Nepal for environmental services, but sugar maples are well known for their high sugar content sap and hard wood. Sugar maples specifically are found in US and Canada (Gale, et al., 2013). For this reason, the US would be the biggest competitor in exporting trees. Because Canada has cooler temperatures and warm temperatures, the trees would be better suited for Nepal’s varying climate, as the US has more heat and less cool temperatures.
Not all types of trees will are best suited for the uses of the Nepalese. For example, coniferous trees such as spruces, are not ideal for feeding livestock like deciduous leaves. In addition, needles off of coniferous trees are known to alter the pH of soil over time with extended use, acidifying the soil (Brown and Shrestha, 2000).